Water Revitalizer offered by Visanto features with many unique features. Long ago many experts indicated the role of water pH level (above 7.5) or its oxidation/reduction potential (less than 100 mV), which however is not the most important. Many times we have heard about so called “living water” as the best water for human body. Water parameters that make it a living water are not the oxidation/ reduction potential nor high pH, but relate to arrangement of water molecules and the information received by the Earth's undisturbed magnetic field. (e.g. glacier water, water from healing streams, etc.....). Water from the glacier does not have a high pH, nor very low value of Redox potential, but this water is extremely healthy for us.
As you know, the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field has been dropping sharply, however, in an extremely rapid pace its disturbances increase as a result of strong electromagnetic fields generated by various electrical appliances, Wi-Fi, mobile phones, routers, TVs, laptops, tablets, and even electrical wires located in every house.
Therefore, revitalizer with molecular water structurizer by Visanto is fitted with a specialty designed magnetic field pulser, whose performance is corresponding to the exact characteristics of the Earth's magnetic field. To avoid the influence of additional electromagnetic field, the pulse generator is powered from a DC battery, which does not generate alternating electromagnetic field.
Additionally, research regarding revitalizer with molecular water structurizer by Visanto, which have been carried out by the laboratory in Switzerland, confirmed molecular arrangement of water molecules and consequently very high bioavailability of obtained water. Note that even the purest tap water is completely useless for the human body at the cellular level
Operation of the device is based on reversed osmosis system, where purification is followed by re-mineralization. At the end this process ensures, above all, excellent water purification rich in many minerals.
It is worth noting, that ordinary drinking water is not a substantial source of minerals crucial for human body growth and health. The best source of minerals for humans are vegetables and fruits, but only from certified organic farming.
Other source of natural minerals is e.g. Kłodawska salt.
The device is provided with filtering cartridges that shall be replaced every 6 to 12 months depending on properties of filtered water.